Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Review #16: Sean Price - Mic Tyson (2012)

So I figured now that I have some time I'll review some shit! I heard about Sean Price on some other blogs, and he seemed to get pretty good reviews, so I checked out his newest album, Mic Tyson. It seemed aight, but nothing crazy, so I buried it on my computer for a bit. But I gave it another shot recently, and I found I liked it much better.

1. The Genesis Of The Omega
The beat for this is pretty fucking epic, and while Sean's rapping style takes a bit to get used to, once you do, this track bangs. A little bit short, but it works.

2. Bar-Barian
The beat for this is also pretty great, although it's a little less in your face than the last track. The lyrics are better though, another great track.

3. Pyrex
The first VERY small misstep so far, as this track seems to by trying too hard to be tough. The beat isn't terrible, but not as great as the first two, although the lyrics don't take a step back.

4. Price & Shining Armour (Feat. Ruste Juxx)
This is seriously one of the dopest beats I've heard in a long time, and Sean P kills it. Great fucking track.

5. Title Track
I like the retro feel of this beat, and Sean kills it too. Probably the best lyricism so far on the album. This track's like what you would beat up orcs to in ghetto Lord Of The Rings.

6. Straight Music
Not good in terms of the beat, but Sean has an awesome flow on here, and ups the ante on lyricism again. This album's shaping up pretty fucking well.

7. STFU Part 2
The vocal sample at the beginning of this is pretty funny, and the beat's the best so far. Sean just destroys this one, best track so far...I actually believe it when he says "Sean P the greatest rapper alive".

8. Hush
Fuck you man. I say you're the greatest rapper alive, and you make me eat my words. This track was pretty shitty. Especially the hook, Sean should NEVER sing.

9. Solomon Grundy (Feat. Ill Bill)
With the sound on this beat, I half expected Madchild to jump on this shit. One thing I've liked about this album is the lack of guest stars. If you can pull it off, it makes your album pretty sweet. Also Ill Bill's shit.

10. Frankenberry (Feat. Buckshot)
This track straight up bangs. EASILY best track so far. Like this shit was hard as fuck. The beat was fucking awesome, Sean wasn't taking any shit, and Buckshot wasn't a detrement. The last couple lines of this track were some of the best I've heard since the end of Tron Cat off Goblin, so that's pretty sweet.

11. BBQ Sauce (Feat. Pharoahe Monch)
Another banger. I have no idea which of the last two tracks was better, but I'm thinking this one. Like holy shit this was good. Pharoahe didn't contribute much, but Sean fucking destroyed it.

12. Bully Rap (Feat. Realm Reality)
Eww. This beat sounds like soemthing your local "underground" rapper would put out. I mean, Sean still kills it, but the beat was poor as fuck. Also, Realm Reality outraps Sean which was odd. Did Sean P get lonely or something though? This is the fourth track in a row with guest stars.

13. By The Way (Feat. Torae)
Fifth Staraight. But Sean destroys a more minimalistic beat, which was refreshing. Would've been better without Torae though.

14. Battering Bars (Feat. Pumpkin Head)
This beat's dope, but Sean does nothing crazy on here. And Pumpkin Head was a minus on this one. Stop it with the guests!

15. Hardest Nigga Out
Sean finishes things off pretty fucking strongly, with one of the best tracks on the entire album, and NO GUEST RAPPERS! Awesome. I'd say this is probably the best beat on the project.

Rating: 8.5/10

Best Tracks: Genesis Of The Omega, STFU Part 2, Title Track, Frankenberry, BBQ Sauce, Hardest Nigga Out

Sean vaulted himself into my favorite rappers list with this one, an album with just a couple missteps. That run of six straight songs with guests was annoying, but the beats on this were amazing as fuck. Shouts out to the Alchemist for being an awesome producer.

Oh, and also sorry about that break there. I didn't have much time over the last month or so, but I should have more now.

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