Thursday, October 18, 2012

Review #11: Kitty Pryde - haha i'm sorry (2012)

I feel like I end up saying the same thing about a rapper when I do reviews of albums with like 15 songs, so I've decided I'll take a quick break from that, and post two reviews of short EP's. This will be the first of those two, and I'll start with tumblr-famous female Bay rapper, Kitty Pryde.

A pretty good introduction to Kitty Pryde's style, but it deffinitely seems like she's trying too hard to be "quirky". Some lyrics were funny, and the beat's all right. It also sounds like she's rapping nursery rhymes which is kind of cool. A weird singing number then some fake giggles seal this songs fate though. It's okay I guess, but not great at all.

2. Ay Shawty THE SHREKONING!!! (Feat. Dankte)
This track's nice and chill, and is a good example of a love song done right in rap. Dankte makes a solid appearance, but Kitty Pryde (surprisingly) out-raps him on here. She reminds me of a lot of girls in high school. Good track.

I think I have cancer. This track was a Carley Rae Jebson rap remix, and the beat was a saxaphone. Kitty Pryde herself is hardly hearable over the disgusting beat, and Call Me Maybe in a monster voice. I hope this was a joke. At least she tries a different flow.

4. smiledog.jpeg
Smiledog is an online "creepypasta". Kitty actually sounds okay on here, although I'm not a fan of the beat. This seems like it should've been a filller track on a full-length album. Still, not terrible.

5. Orion's Belt (Feat. Riff Raff)
The grand FUCKING finale, A.K.A the only song on here I'd listen to normally. Kitty's flow is catchy as hell, the beat's awesome, and Riff does his thing. This track is easily Kitty Pryde's best song.

Best Tracks: Orion's Belt, Aw Shawty THE SHREKONING!!!

Rating: 5.5/10

There were 2 listenable tracks on here, and one was only alright. Without Orion's Belt, this EP would've gotten a 2 just for bringing GIVE ME SCABIES into existence. Like seriously, that might've been the worst song I've ever heard.

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