Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Review #8: Madchild - Dope Sick (2012)

Just about two weeks ago I was perusing VEVO on my phone, when a Canadian rapper named Madchild appeared on the front page, with the song "Devil's Reject". I gave that song a listen, and the beat hooked me immediately. I'll go more into that song in a moment, but it was good enough for me to check out his newest album, Dope Sick. So let's take a look at it!

1. Devil's Reject (Feat. DJ Revolution)
And this is the song that got me to take a look at this album. I always like a good horrorcore track, and that's what you get here. It isn't so much wordplay that powers Madchild it seems, but vocabulary and sound. Speaking of sound, a main knock on Madchild is his high pitched voice, which I got over quickly. The quality of the rap drops off in the 3rd verse, but it's deffinitely still a solid track, especially with an awesome beat, and scratching.

2. Grenade Launcher (Feat. Slaine & Prevail)
The beat is easily the best thing here, it sounds like something out of a Dracula film. Madchild's okay here I guess, but Slaine outraps him and Prevail. Also the hook's poor.

3. Monster
This is what I wanted to hear. After a sub-par second track, Madchild comes back strong with this one. The skit at the beginning of the music video makes this track much better, but still, this track goes hard, with another awesome beat. The hook on here's pretty good too, which is odd, because it's done by Madchild himself. Still, great lyrics and production, great track.

4. Runaway
A massive mis-step. Madchild's flow is okay on here, but the beats are getting kind of redundant, and the high pitched vocal sample sounds like a crappy fan remix on Youtube.

5. Oxylude (prelude)
A bunch of people talking about Oxycotton. Not really needed.

6. Wake Up
The beat on here sounds kind of fresh, in comparison to the other stuff on here, which is okay in small doses. On the other hand, Madchild's lyricism is pretty poor on here, and in terms of content, he just talks about his addictions. I find this is kind of over-played in rap.

7. Battleaxe (Feat. Dilated Peoples, Bishop Lamont & D-Sisive)
The beats pretty cool on here, and madchild sounds good on it. The hook's annoying though, and while everything's good enough, it ends up being kind of boring as a track.

8. Jitters (Feat. Dutch Robinson & Matt Brevner)
You're like 1:17 into this thing before you hear anyone rap. I was being to think it was a shitty instrumental, and Dutch sounds like he's gonna cry. Out of the singles with videos I've seen, everything else was at least entertaining, whereas this was just poor. Madchild was the lone bright spot on here, as the beat was lack-luster, and the guests were terrible.

9. Little Monster Blend
This track was actually pretty sweet, as the beat was simple, but solid. When the beat changed Madchild went the hardest he's gone so far. One of the best tracks so far.

10. Judgment Day (Feat. Sophia Danai)
The beat's pretty solid, and Sophia Danai's hook is cheesy, but it works. This track sounds as ready for the radio as Madchild is gonna do, with short verses, long hooks, and cheesy one-liners. Somehow this isn't terrible.

11. Dickhead
Deffinitely a change from Judgement Day. This track's funny as hell though, and was initially my favorite track. After a few listens it's novelty wore off, but it's still pretty good.

12. Fuck Madchild (Feat. Phil The Agony)
This track's okay I suppose, but Madchild's flow, and lyricism is getting poorer, or I'm getting bored. Phil The Agony's also fucking terrible at rapping, and he should feel bad.

13. Mongoloid
This track was actually pretty decent despite the lackluster beat. Madchild goes pretty hard on this one, and actually has flow. Best track in a while, besides Dickhead.

14. Freak
This beat and song sounds like everything else on here. Read above. (Also, this one's for his grandma apparently). Not terrible, but not great, and the beat's annoying, as is the hook.

15. Reaper
The second best beat on here, behind Monster. Madchild's pretty good on here too, and changes his voice at one point, which is cool. Should have done that more often on this album.

16. Wanted
This track's okay I guess, and it's real talk I guess. Should've closed out the album with more of a bang though.

17. Out Of My Head (Bonus Track)
Not surprised this didn't make the actual album. It sounds like everything else on the album, except worse. Maybe I'm just bored of listening to him.

Best Tracks: Devil's Reject, Monster, Little Monster Blend, Dickhead

Rating: 6.5/10

I had higher hopes for this when I heard the singles, but it really droned on a lot. It wasn't bad, and maybe I'm being a bit hard on it, but 17 tracks without anyone who didn't sound like Madchild was hurtful to the ears. Again, I'm not saying it was bad, just not great.

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