Sunday, September 23, 2012

Review #7: MellowHype - BlackenedWhite (2011)

So this'll be my second Odd Future review, and it'll be for MellowHype's BlackenedWhite re-released version (or some shit. Whatever I downloaded has tracks from both versions). In my opinion Odd Future is the most interesting, if not best, group of rappers out there at the moment. They have charisma, stay in the news, and make good music. there's not much more you can ask from rappers. MellowHype is the combination of rapper Hodgy Beats, and producer Left Brain, two of the best in OF. So I'll get to it!

1. Primo
A nice slow track to start things off. The beat's like an A$AP beat mixed with Odd Future, I like it. A decent opening track.

2. Gunsounds
After an over-long intro a sweet beat picks up, and Hodgy kills it. Not much more to say, except Left Brain is a solid producer.

3. Brain (Feat. Domo Genesis)
I like the video game feel of this beat, and the under-lying bass, makes it sound kind of sinister. Pretty short track, but both verses are solid.

4. 64
This is deffinitely in the top 3 Odd Future beats ever. Like this shit goes HARD. The hook is catchy, and both verses go hard. Left Brain makes a nice cameo at the end of the second verse too, which is icing on the cake. Still, doesn't this sound like something Tyler, The Creator would absolutely murder?

5. Hell (Feat. Frank Ocean)
The beat's kind of cluttered on here, but it works. Frank Ocean's cameo is kind of useless, but I'll let it slide. Not the best track so far, but a funny ending, courtesy of Left Brain.

6. Loaded (Feat. Mike G)
This is pretty great beat, and Mike kills his part of the hook and verse. Hodgy holds his own, but Mike G deffinitely outdoes him on this track. This is a pretty great track.

7. Deaddeputy
Hodgy decides to speed rap here, and kills it. His flow's awesome here, and Jasper Dolphin's cameo is just gravy. Another great track.

8. Right Here
This track's alright. It's kind of like a long hook except the second verse. It's passable, but not overly good. Worst track so far.

9. Igotagun
Another speed rap, and the contrast from Right Here is crazy. Once again Hodgy kills, and the beat pretty sweet too. The "Left Brain is my Lex Luger, bitch I'm Wacka Flocka" line was genius. Pretty short but a good track.

10. Loco
Hodgy slows his flow down for this track, and does pretty well over a dope slow beat by Left Brain. Hodgy gets drowned out by the beat sometimes, but it still works. Solid track.

11. F666 The Police (Feat. Tyler, The Creator)
Left Brain, Hodgy, and Tyler destroy this beat, even though it's sub-par for Left Brain. Tyler spits one of his best verses seems like he really brings it for Domo and Hodgy, more than his solo shit. The dialogue with the cops is pretty great, and overall in terms of rapping, this is the best track so far.

12. Stripclub
Hodgy is pretty good on the best beat so far, besides 64. I'm not sure whether the hook was intentionally cheesy, but it's still a pretty good track.

13. Rico (Feat. Frank Ocean)
Frank Ocean's second cameo, and I'm still not sure why he bothered either time. I mean I like Frank Ocean, but shouldn't he be singing on Analog type shit with Tyler or something? Still, another solid beat, overall a pretty good song.

14. Chordaroy (Feat. Earl Sweatshirt & Tyler, The Creator)
After looking over the tracklist, this was the track I was most excited for. It wasn't a letdown either, as Earl opens things up with a verse that's up there with Tyler's on "F666 The Police" for best on the album. Hodgy also kills it, but doesn't even come close to Earl on this one. Must've been dissapointing for people who only got the re-released version without this track! But then Tyler shows up, and DESTROYS the beat, making this song the best on the album easily.

15. Gunz (Bonus Track)
Hodgy has pretty good flow on this, im not sure why it didn't make the original cut. Like, it isn't the best track on the album, but it's still good!

16. Gram
This is litterally a gram of rap. It runs for a verse and an outro, over a meh beat. Not terrible, but not great.

17. Circus (Bonus Track)
Another track I was excited about, just because I've heard of it. Left Brain's pretty great on this, but he's usually pretty great. The hook on this is pretty catchy too. Hodgy's out-rapped by Left Brain, but still good on here.

18. Based (Feat. C.Renee)
Well I've never heard of C.Renee, but she's pretty great on here for a female emcee. Hodgy also spits his best verse all album here, and it was interesting to hear him say Odd Future is the new Wu Tang.

19. Game (Feat. Tyler, The Creator)
Hodgy's alright on here, but Tyler out-raps him again, for the third time this album. Tyler closes out the album with another great verse...every verse on this album by Tyler was better than anything (except Yonkers I guess) on Goblin.

Best Tracks: 64, F666 The Police, Chordaroy, Game

Rating: 7.5/10

The album was actually really great, but the production, while awesome in small doses, got a little bit boring, as did Hodgy's rhyming. This could have been helped by more guests, although the ones that did show up were awesome. I'd deffinitely say this is one of the better CD's Odd Future has put out.

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